
Title Ability Level Quality Type Author Date description
De Quadratura Circuli Artes Liberales 6 Tractatus Franco of Liège 1050 In this treatise, Franco examines three methods for drawing a square with the same area as a circle based on the assumption that pi is equal to 25/8, 49/16, and 4. After pronouncing these assumptions false, the author proposes his own method for squaring the circle, relying upon the assumption that pi is equal to 22/7.
Cathar Lore Tractatus 1 Cathar Lore Tractatus
Useful Tools Cathar Lore 3 14 Summa Abbot Guilliame of St. Vigor 1163 This short tome is a brief exposition on the theology of the Cathars. It is clear that the Cathars themselves are of little interest to the author, who explicitly refers to them as "useful tools."
Chirugy Tractatus Chirugy 9 Tractatus
Gallic Heresies of Late Antiquity Church Lore 7 Tractatus Brother Michael of Lombez 1121 In bitingly sarcastic terms, this acerbic text chronicles the rise and fall of a half dozen heresies active in France during the seventh through ninth centuries. Though personally orthodox, the author is quite a critic and seems equally happy to deride the follies of both orthodox and heterodox alike. A reader with an eye for the nobility, though, will note the author's sharp antipathy towards a single family, members of which were prominent adherents in two different heresies. While the source of this enmity is not disclosed, the author is less satirical and more vituperative when discussing the line of Pierre-Bermond of Narbonne.
The Life of St. Agnes Church Lore 6 Tractatus Brother William of Auch 1103 This tract recounts the life of St. Agnes, a 7th century Gallic convert to Christianity. For her great beauty, Agnes was wooed by the pagan priest-king of her tribe. When Agnes refused his suit, the chief sent several demons to tempt her. Agnes triumphed over each of the demons in turn, and, after her martyrdom at the hands of the spurned chief, several miracles were attributed to her intercession on behalf of those tempted by the servants of the Devil.
The Acts of the Provençal Tribunals Code of Hermes 2 9 Summa Various 1175 This tome is a collection of the decrees and rulings of the Provençal Tribunals from 1020-1174. Needless to say, it is a dull read.
Winemaking Tractatus Craft: Winemaking 10 Tractatus
Faerie Lords of the Forest Fairy Lore 6 Tractatus Carnelia filia Crystal of Merinita 992 This text is a compilation of stories, observations, and experiences the author gleaned from spending three years in a faerie convocation. The haphazard collection of chapters within includes the titles "On the Effects of Faerie Wine," "My Time as a Tree," and "Satyrs are a Maiden's Best Friend." It is readily apparent that the author is exceedingly proud of this book of tales, many of which have not been related in ages.
Courts of the Woods Fairy Lore 5 Tractatus Aurelia of Merenita 1108
Graces of the Seelie Court Fairy Lore 4 Tractatus
Bonisagus, Trianoma, and the Founding of the Order Hermes Lore 8 Tractatus Dorian filia Aude of Tremere 1123 This is the second volume of Dorian's series on Hermetic history. Though highly controversial when it was first written, Dorian’s arguments concerning Trianoma’s impact on early Hermetic politics have now come to be widely accepted.
The History of the Order Hermes Lore 3 13 Summa Dorian filia Aude of Tremere 1121 This is the first volume of Dorian's excellent series chronicling the evolution of the Order of Hermes from its founding by Bonisagus to the early 12th century. Though this is one of Dorian's earlier works, occasional traces emerge of the cutting wit and penetrating insight for which the author was later famed.
Langedoc Lore Tractatus 1 Langedoc Lore Tractatus
Hortulus Craft: Herbalism 9 Tractatus Walafrid Strabo before 849 Dedicated to Grimald, this poem is an account of a small monastery garden which the author tended with his own hands. The work is largely comprised of descriptions of the various herbs grown there and their uses, medicinal and otherwise. Sage holds the place of honor, after which comes rue, the antidote of poisons, and many other plants, including melons, fennel, lilies, poppies. Finally, the author concludes with the rose, "which in virtue and scent surpasses all other herbs, and may rightly be called the flower of flowers."
Aeneid Latin 12 Tractatus Virgil 19 BC This epic poem by the great Roman poet tells the story of the mythic founding of Rome by the hero Aeneas. Fleeing the sack of Troy, Aeneas and his son take refuge in the court of Queen Dido of Carthage until the Roman gods drive Aeneas forth to Italy, where he founds Rome and begins the Julio-Claudian dynasty.
Magic Lore Tractatus 1 Magic Lore Tractatus
Magic Lore Tractatus 2 Magic Lore Tractatus
Ars Magica Magic Theory 3 7 Summa
Commentary on Ars Magica Magic Theory 9 Tractatus
Discern The Images of Truth and Falsehood Mastery: Discern the Images of Truth and Falsehood
Voice of the Lake Mastery: Voice of the Lake
Curing the Bodily Ills Medicine 6 Tractatus Ali ibn Radwan 1051 Originally scribed in Arabic at Cordoba, some unknown scholar evidently considered this work useful enough to translate into Latin for use in Christian France. Written by a student of Avicenna, the book has several detailed suggestions for proper promotion of health and curing of disease.
Proslogion Philosophae 10 Tractatus Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury before 1078 This work contains Anselm's famous philosophical proof of the existence of God, as well as a meditation on the divine attributes. Written from a perspective of "faith seeking understanding," the Proslogion is the greatest work in a canon that earned its author the appellation of "the second Augustine." An appendix includes the reply of Gaunilon of Marmoutier as well as Anselm's rebuttal.
The Consolation of Philosophy Philosophiae 9 Tractatus Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius c. 524 The author of this text, an educated Roman aristocrat, was unjustly executed by the Emperor Theodoric. Written while in prison, this book is a dialogue between the author and Lady Philosophy, who has come to answer Boëthius’ complaint against God and the injustice of his situation. Using arguments drawn from Stoic and Platonic thought, Philosophy replies that fortune is fickle, yet the highest Good is to be found not in circumstance but in God. The book concludes with an argument for the compatibility of human free will with the divine foreknowledge.
Explorations of Provencal Provencal Lore 5 Tractatus
A Survey of Thesaurus Terrae Thesaurus Terrae Lore 7 Tractatus Ericius of Bjornaer 1105 Written not long after the founding of Thesaurus Terrae, Ericius describes the covenant and its environs with obvious affection and pride. While somewhat dated, the contemporary reader will still gain much from Ericius' keen examination of local flora, fauna, and, curiously enough, soil conditions.
Bible Theology Inf. 4 Authority